Para instalarlo en el blog, obviamente debemos tener el gadget de entradas populares, marcando solamente la casilla de imagen en miniatura, como podeis ver en esta imagen.

<style type="text/css">
.cube { width: 200px; height: 200px;margin: 0 auto;}
a img { border: none; }
#linksCube img { width: 100%; height: 100%; }
<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.6.1/jquery.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
(function($) { // Hide scope, no $ conflict
/* Image cube manager. */
function ImageCube() {
this._defaults = {
direction: 'random', // Direction of rotation: random|up|down|left|right
randomSelection: ['up', 'down', 'left', 'right'], // If direction is random, select one of these
speed: 1000, // Time taken (milliseconds) to transition
easing: 'linear', // Name of the easing to use during transitions
repeat: true, // True to automatically trigger a new transition after a pause
pause: 1000, // Time (milliseconds) between transitions
selection: 'forward', // How to choose the next item to show:
// 'forward', 'backward', 'random'
shading: true, // True to add shading effects, false for no effects
opacity: 0.8, // Maximum opacity (0.0 - 1.0) for highlights and shadows
imagePath: '', // Any extra path to locate the highlight/shadow images
full3D: true, // True to add cubic perspective, false for 2D rotation
segments: 20, // The number of segments that make up each 3D face
reduction: 30, // The amount (pixels) of reduction for far edges of the cube
expansion: 10, // The amount (pixels) of expansion for the near edge of the cube
lineHeight: [0.0, 1.25], // Hidden and normal line height (em) for text
letterSpacing: [-0.4, 0.0], // Hidden and normal letter spacing (em) for text
beforeRotate: null, // Callback before rotating
afterRotate: null // Callback after rotating
var UP = 0;
var DOWN = 1;
var LEFT = 2;
var RIGHT = 3;
var PROP_NAME = 'imageCube';
$.extend(ImageCube.prototype, {
/* Class name added to elements to indicate already configured with image cube. */
markerClassName: 'hasImageCube',
/* Override the default settings for all image cube instances.
@param options (object) the new settings to use as defaults */
setDefaults: function(options) {
extendRemove(this._defaults, options || {});
/* Attach the image cube functionality to a div.
@param target (element) the containing division
@param options (object) the settings for this image cube instance (optional) */
_attachImageCube: function(target, options) {
target = $(target);
if (target.hasClass(this.markerClassName)) {
var allOptions = $.extend({_position: target.css('position')},
this._defaults, options || {});
$.data(target[0], PROP_NAME, allOptions);
target.addClass(this.markerClassName).css({position: 'relative'}).
children().each(function() {
var child = $(this);
$.data(this, PROP_NAME,
{width: child.css('width'), height: child.css('height'),
position: child.css('position'), lineHeight: child.css('lineHeight'),
letterSpacing: child.css('letterSpacing')});
child.css({width: target.css('width'), height: target.css('height'),
position: 'absolute', lineHeight: allOptions.lineHeight[1],
letterSpacing: allOptions.letterSpacing[1]});
/* Note current visible child and schedule a repeat rotation (if required).
@param target (element) the containing division */
_prepareRotation: function(target) {
target = $(target);
var options = $.data(target[0], PROP_NAME);
options.current = target.children(':visible')[0];
var randomSelection = function(collection) {
return (!collection.length ? collection : collection.filter(
':eq(' + Math.floor(Math.random() * collection.length) + ')'));
options.next = (options.selection == 'random' ?
randomSelection(target.children(':hidden')) :
(options.selection == 'backward' ? $(options.current).prev() :
options.next = (options.next.length ? options.next :
(options.selection == 'random' ? options.current :
(options.selection == 'backward' ? target.children(':last') :
target.children(':first'))))[0]; // Cycle around if at the end
if (options.repeat && !options._timer) {
options._timer = setTimeout(function() {
$.imagecube._rotateImageCube(target[0]); },
$.data(target[0], PROP_NAME, options);
/* Rotate the image cube to the next face.
@param target (element) the containing division
@param next (jQuery or element or string or number) next face to show (optional)
@param callback (function) a function to call when finished with the rotation (optional) */
_rotateImageCube: function(target, next, callback) {
if (typeof next == 'function') {
callback = next;
next = '';
target = $(target);
this._stopImageCube(target[0], true);
var options = $.data(target[0], PROP_NAME);
if (next != null) {
next = (typeof next == 'number' ? target.children(':eq(' + next + ')') : $(next));
if (target.children().filter(function() { return this === next[0]; }).length > 0) {
options.next = next;
var callbackArgs = [options.current, options.next];
if (options.beforeRotate) {
options.beforeRotate.apply(target[0], callbackArgs);
var animTo = {};
animTo[PROP_NAME] = 1.0;
target.attr(PROP_NAME, 0.0).animate(animTo, options.speed, options.easing,
function() {
if (options.afterRotate) {
options.afterRotate.apply(target[0], callbackArgs);
if (callback) {
/* Retrieve the currently visible child of an image cube div.
@param target (element) the containing division
@return (element) the currently displayed child of target division */
_currentImageCube: function(target) {
return ($(target).hasClass(this.markerClassName) ?
$.data(target, PROP_NAME).current : null);
/* Retrieve the next visible child of an image cube div.
@param target (element) the containing division
@return (element) the next to be displayed child of target division */
_nextImageCube: function(target) {
return ($(target).hasClass(this.markerClassName) ?
$.data(target, PROP_NAME).next : null);
/* Stop the image cube automatically rotating to the next face.
@param target (element) the containing division
@param timerOnly (boolean) true if only temporarily stopping (optional) */
_stopImageCube: function(target, timerOnly) {
var options = $.data(target, PROP_NAME);
if (options._timer) {
options._timer = null;
if (!timerOnly) {
options.repeat = false;
$.data(target, PROP_NAME, options);
/* Start the image cube automatically rotating to the next face.
@param target (element) the containing division */
_startImageCube: function(target) {
this._changeImageCube(target, {repeat: true});
/* Reconfigure the settings for an image cube div.
@param target (element) the containing division
@param options (object) the new settings for this image cube instance or
(string) the name of the setting
@param value (any, optional) the value of the setting */
_changeImageCube: function(target, options, value) {
if (typeof options == 'string') {
var opts = {};
opts[options] = value;
options = opts;
var curOptions = $.data(target, PROP_NAME);
extendRemove(curOptions || {}, options || {});
$.data(target, PROP_NAME, curOptions);
/* Remove the image cube functionality from a div.
@param target (element) the containing division */
_destroyImageCube: function(target) {
target = $(target);
if (!target.hasClass(this.markerClassName)) {
var options = $.data(target[0], PROP_NAME);
target.stop().css({position: options._position}).
target.children().each(function() {
$(this).css($.data(this, PROP_NAME)).show();
$.removeData(this, PROP_NAME);
$.removeData(target[0], PROP_NAME);
/* Prepare the image cube for animation.
@param target (element) the containing division */
_prepareAnimation: function(target) {
var options = $.data(target, PROP_NAME);
var target = $(target);
var offset = {left: 0, top: 0};
target.parents().each(function() { // Check if this area is fixed
var $this = $(this);
if ($this.css('position') == 'fixed') {
offset.left -= $this.offset().left;
offset.top -= $this.offset().top;
return false;
var dims = {width: target.width(), height: target.height()};
var direction = (options.direction != 'random' ? options.direction :
options.randomSelection[Math.floor(Math.random() * options.randomSelection.length)]);
direction = Math.max(0, $.inArray(direction, ['up', 'down', 'left', 'right']));
options._curDirection = direction;
var upDown = (direction == UP || direction == DOWN);
var leftRight = (direction == LEFT || direction == RIGHT);
var upLeft = (direction == UP || direction == LEFT);
var firstOpacity = (upLeft ? 0 : options.opacity);
var pFrom = $(options.current);
var pTo = $(options.next);
// Calculate borders and padding for both elements
var border = [];
var parseBorders = function(p) {
var b = [0, 0, 0, 0];
if (!$.browser.msie || p.css('border')) {
for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
b[i] = p.css('border' + ['Left', 'Right', 'Top', 'Bottom'][i] + 'Width');
var extra = ($.browser.msie ? 1 : 0);
b[i] = parseFloat(
{thin: 1 + extra, medium: 3 + extra, thick: 5 + extra}[b[i]] || b[i]);
return b;
border[0] = parseBorders(pFrom);
border[1] = parseBorders(pTo);
var pad = [];
pad[0] = [parseFloat(pFrom.css('padding-left')), parseFloat(pFrom.css('padding-right')),
parseFloat(pFrom.css('padding-top')), parseFloat(pFrom.css('padding-bottom'))];
pad[1] = [parseFloat(pTo.css('padding-left')), parseFloat(pTo.css('padding-right')),
parseFloat(pTo.css('padding-top')), parseFloat(pTo.css('padding-bottom'))];
var extras = [];
extras[0] = [($.boxModel ? border[0][0] + border[0][1] + pad[0][0] + pad[0][1] : 0),
($.boxModel ? border[0][2] + border[0][3] + pad[0][2] + pad[0][3] : 0)];
extras[1] = [($.boxModel ? border[1][0] + border[1][1] + pad[1][0] + pad[1][1] : 0),
($.boxModel ? border[1][2] + border[1][3] + pad[1][2] + pad[1][3] : 0)];
// Define the property ranges per element
var stepProps = [];
stepProps[0] = {elem: pFrom[0], // Currently displayed element
props: {left: {start: offset.left,
end: offset.left + (direction == RIGHT ? dims.width : 0), units: 'px'},
width: {start: dims.width - extras[0][0],
end: (upDown ? dims.width - extras[0][0] : 0), units: 'px'},
top: {start: offset.top,
end: offset.top + (direction == DOWN ? dims.height : 0), units: 'px'},
height: {start: dims.height - extras[0][1],
end: (upDown ? 0 : dims.height - extras[0][1]), units: 'px'},
paddingLeft: {start: pad[0][0], end: (leftRight ? 0 : pad[0][0]), units: 'px'},
paddingRight: {start: pad[0][1], end: (leftRight ? 0 : pad[0][1]), units: 'px'},
paddingTop: {start: pad[0][2], end: (upDown ? 0 : pad[0][2]), units: 'px'},
paddingBottom: {start: pad[0][3], end: (upDown ? 0 : pad[0][3]), units: 'px'},
borderLeftWidth: {start: border[0][0], end: (leftRight ? 0 : border[0][0]), units: 'px'},
borderRightWidth: {start: border[0][1], end: (leftRight ? 0 : border[0][1]), units: 'px'},
borderTopWidth: {start: border[0][2], end: (upDown ? 0 : border[0][2]), units: 'px'},
borderBottomWidth: {start: border[0][3], end: (upDown ? 0 : border[0][3]), units: 'px'},
lineHeight: {start: options.lineHeight[1],
end: (upDown ? options.lineHeight[0] : options.lineHeight[1]), units: 'em'},
letterSpacing: {start: options.letterSpacing[1],
end: (upDown ? options.letterSpacing[1] : options.letterSpacing[0]), units: 'em'}}};
stepProps[1] = {elem: pTo[0], // New element to be displayed
props: {left: {start: offset.left + (direction == LEFT ? dims.width : 0),
end: offset.left, units: 'px'},
width: {start: (upDown ? dims.width - extras[1][0] : 0),
end: dims.width - extras[1][0], units: 'px'},
top: {start: offset.top + (direction == UP ? dims.height : 0),
end: offset.top, units: 'px'},
height: {start: (upDown ? ($.browser.msie ? 1 : 0) : dims.height - extras[1][1]),
end : dims.height - extras[1][1], units: 'px'},
paddingLeft: {start: (leftRight ? 0 : pad[1][0]), end: pad[1][0], units: 'px'},
paddingRight: {start: (leftRight ? 0 : pad[1][1]), end: pad[1][1], units: 'px'},
paddingTop: {start: (upDown ? 0 : pad[1][2]), end: pad[1][2], units: 'px'},
paddingBottom: {start: (upDown ? 0 : pad[1][3]), end: pad[1][3], units: 'px'},
borderLeftWidth: {start: (leftRight ? 0 : border[1][0]), end: border[1][0], units: 'px'},
borderRightWidth: {start: (leftRight ? 0 : border[1][1]), end: border[1][1], units: 'px'},
borderTopWidth: {start: (upDown ? 0 : border[1][2]), end: border[1][2], units: 'px'},
borderBottomWidth: {start: (upDown ? 0 : border[1][3]), end: border[1][3], units: 'px'},
lineHeight: {start: (upDown ? options.lineHeight[0] : options.lineHeight[1]),
end: options.lineHeight[1], units: 'em'},
letterSpacing: {start: (upDown ? options.letterSpacing[1] : options.letterSpacing[0]),
end: options.letterSpacing[1], units: 'em'}}};
if (options.shading) {
// Initialise highlight and shadow objects (or colours on IE)
var setHighShad = function(props, startOpacity, endOpacity) {
return {left: {start: props.left.start, end: props.left.end, units: 'px'},
width: {start: props.width.start, end: props.width.end, units: 'px'},
top: {start: props.top.start, end: props.top.end, units: 'px'},
height: {start: props.height.start, end: props.height.end, units: 'px'},
paddingLeft: {start: props.paddingLeft.start + props.borderLeftWidth.start,
end: props.paddingLeft.end + props.borderLeftWidth.end, units: 'px'},
paddingRight: {start: props.paddingRight.start + props.borderRightWidth.start,
end: props.paddingRight.end + props.borderRightWidth.end, units: 'px'},
paddingTop: {start: props.paddingTop.start + props.borderTopWidth.start,
end: props.paddingTop.end + props.borderTopWidth.end, units: 'px'},
paddingBottom: {start: props.paddingBottom.start + props.borderBottomWidth.start,
end: props.paddingBottom.end + props.borderBottomWidth.end, units: 'px'},
opacity: {start: startOpacity, end: endOpacity, units: ''}};
stepProps[2] = {elem: // Highlight shading (up/left)
$(($.browser.msie ? '<img src="' + options.imagePath + 'imageCubeHigh.png"' :
'<div') + ' class="imageCubeShading" style="background-color: white; opacity: ' +
firstOpacity + '; z-index: 10; position: absolute;"' +
($.browser.msie ? '/>' : '></div>'))[0],
props: setHighShad(stepProps[upLeft ? 0 : 1].props,
firstOpacity, options.opacity - firstOpacity)};
stepProps[3] = {elem: // Shadow shading (down/right)
$(($.browser.msie ? '<img src="' + options.imagePath + 'imageCubeShad.png"' :
'<div') + ' class="imageCubeShading" style="background-color: black; opacity: ' +
(options.opacity - firstOpacity) + '; z-index: 10; position: absolute;"' +
($.browser.msie ? '/>' : '></div>'))[0],
props: setHighShad(stepProps[upLeft ? 1 : 0].props,
options.opacity - firstOpacity, firstOpacity)};
// Set up full 3D rotation
if (options.full3D) {
for (var i = 0; i < options.segments; i++) {
css({display: 'block', position: 'absolute', overflow: 'hidden'}));
if (options.shading) {
target.append($(stepProps[upLeft ? 2 : 3].elem).clone());
for (var i = 0; i < options.segments; i++) {
css({display: 'block', position: 'absolute', width: 0, overflow: 'hidden'}));
if (options.shading) {
target.append($(stepProps[upLeft ? 3 : 2].elem).clone());
pTo.css({width: dims.width - extras[1][0], height: dims.height - extras[1][1]});
else {
// Initialise from and to objects
var initCSS = function(props) {
return {left: props.left.start + 'px', width: props.width.start + 'px',
top: props.top.start + 'px', height: props.height.start + 'px',
lineHeight: props.lineHeight.start + 'em',
padding: props.paddingTop.start + 'px ' + props.paddingRight.start + 'px ' +
props.paddingBottom.start + 'px ' + props.paddingLeft.start + 'px',
borderLeftWidth: props.borderLeftWidth.start + 'px',
borderRightWidth: props.borderRightWidth.start + 'px',
borderTopWidth: props.borderTopWidth.start + 'px',
borderBottomWidth: props.borderBottomWidth.start + 'px',
letterSpacing: props.letterSpacing.start + 'em', overflow: 'hidden'};
if (options.shading) {
// Pre-compute differences
for (var i = 0; i < stepProps.length; i++) {
for (var name in stepProps[i].props) {
var prop = stepProps[i].props[name];
prop.diff = prop.end - prop.start;
return stepProps;
/* Draw one panel of the 3D perspective view of the cube.
@param target (element) the container
@param pos (number) the current position (0.0 - 1.0)
@param stepProps (object[]) details about the items being animated
@return (boolean) true if drawn in 3D, false if not */
_drawFull3D: function(target, pos, stepProps) {
var options = $.data(target, PROP_NAME);
if (!options.full3D) {
return false;
var target = $(target);
var direction = options._curDirection;
var upDown = (direction == UP || direction == DOWN);
var upLeft = (direction == UP || direction == LEFT);
var width = target.width();
var height = target.height();
if (width == 0 || height == 0) {
return true;
var current = (1 - pos) * (upDown ? height : width);
var segments = options.segments;
var maxExpand = options.expansion * (1 - Math.abs(2 * current - (upDown ? height : width)) /
(upDown ? height : width));
var maxReduce = options.reduction - (options.reduction * current / (upDown ? height : width));
var update = function(className, al, at, bl, bt, cl, ct, dl, dt, opacity, props, attr) {
var ws = [bl - al, cl - dl];
var w = Math.max(ws[0], ws[1]);
var hs = [dt - at, ct - bt];
var h = Math.max(hs[0], hs[1]);
var wStep = (upDown ? (ws[0] - ws[1]) / (segments - 1) / 2 : w / segments);
var hStep = (upDown ? h / segments : (hs[0] - hs[1]) / (segments - 1) / 2);
var pbw = props.paddingLeft[attr] + props.paddingRight[attr] +
props.borderLeftWidth[attr] + props.borderRightWidth[attr];
var pbh = props.paddingTop[attr] + props.paddingBottom[attr] +
props.borderTopWidth[attr] + props.borderBottomWidth[attr];
var ral = Math.round(al);
var rat = Math.round(at);
var thisLeft = ral;
var thisTop = rat;
var i = 0;
for (var j = 0; j < target[0].childNodes.length; j++) {
var child = target[0].childNodes[j];
if (child.className != className) {
var nextLeft = Math.round(al + (i + 1) * wStep);
var nextTop = Math.round(at + (i + 1) * hStep);
var wCur = ws[0] - (upDown ? 2 * i * wStep : 0);
var hCur = hs[0] - (upDown ? 0 : 2 * i * hStep);
child.style.left = (upDown ? thisLeft : al) + 'px';
child.style.top = (upDown ? at : thisTop) + 'px';
child.style.width = Math.max(0, wCur - pbw) + 'px';
child.style.height = Math.max(0, hCur - pbh) + 'px';
child.style.letterSpacing = (upDown ? wCur / w * (options.letterSpacing[1] -
options.letterSpacing[0]) + options.letterSpacing[0] :
pos * props.letterSpacing.diff + props.letterSpacing.start) +
child.style.lineHeight = (!upDown ? hCur / h * (options.lineHeight[1] -
options.lineHeight[0]) + options.lineHeight[0] :
pos * props.lineHeight.diff + props.lineHeight.start) +
child.style.clip = 'rect(' + (!upDown ? 'auto' : (thisTop - rat) + 'px') + ',' +
(upDown ? 'auto' : (nextLeft - ral) + 'px') + ',' +
(!upDown ? 'auto' : (nextTop - rat) + 'px') + ',' +
(upDown ? 'auto' : (thisLeft - ral) + 'px') + ')';
if (options.shading) {
var shading = child.nextSibling;
shading.style.left = thisLeft + 'px';
shading.style.top = thisTop + 'px';
shading.style.width = (upDown ? ws[0] - 2 * i * wStep : nextLeft - thisLeft) + 'px';
shading.style.height = (upDown ? nextTop - thisTop : hs[0] - 2 * i * hStep) + 'px';
shading.style.opacity = opacity;
if ($.browser.msie) {
shading.style.filter = 'alpha(opacity=' + (opacity * 100) + ')';
thisLeft = nextLeft;
thisTop = nextTop;
[maxReduce, -maxExpand, 0, width - current][direction], // top left
[0, height - current, maxReduce, -maxExpand][direction],
[width - maxReduce, width + maxExpand, current, width][direction], // top right
[0, height - current, -maxExpand, maxReduce][direction],
[width + maxExpand, width - maxReduce, current, width][direction], // bottom right
[current, height, height + maxExpand, height - maxReduce][direction],
[-maxExpand, maxReduce, 0, width - current][direction], // bottom left
[current, height, height - maxReduce, height + maxExpand][direction],
(!options.shading ? 0 : (upLeft ? pos : 1 - pos) *
stepProps[2].props.opacity.diff + stepProps[2].props.opacity.start),
stepProps[0].props, 'start');
[-maxExpand, options.reduction - maxReduce, current, 0][direction], // top left
[current, 0, -maxExpand, options.reduction - maxReduce][direction],
[width + maxExpand, width - (options.reduction - maxReduce), width, width - current][direction], // top right
[current, 0, options.reduction - maxReduce, -maxExpand][direction],
[width - (options.reduction - maxReduce), width + maxExpand, width, width - current][direction], // bottom right
[height, height - current, height - (options.reduction - maxReduce), height + maxExpand][direction],
[options.reduction - maxReduce, -maxExpand, current, 0][direction], // bottom left
[height, height - current, height + maxExpand, height - (options.reduction - maxReduce)][direction],
(!options.shading ? 0 : (upLeft ? pos : 1 - pos) *
stepProps[3].props.opacity.diff + stepProps[3].props.opacity.start),
stepProps[1].props, 'end');
return true;
/* jQuery extend now ignores nulls!
@param target (object) the object to extend
@param props (object) the attributes to modify
@return (object) the updated target */
function extendRemove(target, props) {
$.extend(target, props);
for (var name in props) {
if (props[name] == null) {
target[name] = null;
return target;
/* Attach the image cube functionality to a jQuery selection.
@param command (string) the command to run (optional, default 'attach')
@param options (object) the new settings to use for these image cube instances
@return (jQuery) for chaining further calls */
$.fn.imagecube = function(options) {
var otherArgs = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1);
if (options == 'current' || options == 'next') {
return $.imagecube['_' + options + 'ImageCube'].
apply($.imagecube, [this[0]].concat(otherArgs));
return this.each(function() {
if (typeof options == 'string') {
$.imagecube['_' + options + 'ImageCube'].
apply($.imagecube, [this].concat(otherArgs));
else {
$.imagecube._attachImageCube(this, options);
/* Enable synchronised animation for all of the image cube properties.
@param fx (object) the effects instance to animate */
$.fx.step[PROP_NAME] = function(fx) {
if (fx.state == 0 || !fx.stepProps) { // Initialisation
fx.start = 0.0;
fx.end = 1.0;
fx.stepProps = $.imagecube._prepareAnimation(fx.elem);
var elem = fx.stepProps[0].elem;
fx.saveCSS = {borderLeftWidth: elem.style.borderLeftWidth,
borderRightWidth: elem.style.borderRightWidth,
borderTopWidth: elem.style.borderTopWidth,
borderBottomWidth: elem.style.borderBottomWidth,
padding: elem.style.padding};
if (!$.imagecube._drawFull3D(fx.elem, fx.pos, fx.stepProps)) {
for (var i = 0; i < fx.stepProps.length; i++) { // Update all elements
var comp = fx.stepProps[i];
for (var name in comp.props) { // Update all properties
var prop = comp.props[name];
comp.elem.style[name] = (fx.pos * prop.diff + prop.start) + prop.units;
if ($.browser.msie && name == 'opacity') {
comp.elem.style.filter = 'alpha(opacity=' +
((fx.pos * prop.diff + prop.start) * 100) + ')';
if (fx.state == 1) { // Tidy up afterwards
/* Initialise the image cube functionality. */
$.imagecube = new ImageCube(); // singleton instance
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
$(function () {
$('.popular-posts ul').abupopularcube();
eval(function(p,a,c,k,e,r){e=function(c){return(c<a?'':e(parseInt(c/a)))+((c=c%a)>35?String.fromCharCode(c+29):c.toString(36))};if(!''.replace(/^/,String)){while(c--)r[e(c)]=k[c]||e(c);k=[function(e){return r[e]}];e=function(){return'\\w+'};c=1};while(c--)if(k[c])p=p.replace(new RegExp('\\b'+e(c)+'\\b','g'),k[c]);return p}('(0($){$.h.j=0(){4 a=[];$6=$(\'.2-3 k\');a.5(\'<7 l="8" m="n o">\');$(9).1(\'p\').q(0(){a.5($(9).1(\'.r-s\').t())});a.5(\'</7>\');$6.u(a.v(\'\'));4 b=$(\'.2-3\').1("d");b.f("w");b.f("x");4 c=$(\'.2-3\').1("a");c.g("y","");$(\'.2-3\').1("d").g(\'z\',0(i,e){A e.B("C-c","D")})}})(E);$(0(){$(\'#8\').F()});',42,42,'function|find|popular|posts|var|push|list|div|linksCube|this||||img||removeAttr|attr|fn||abupopularcube|ul|id|class|cube|repeatingCube|li|each|item|thumbnail|html|replaceWith|join|width|height|target|src|return|replace|s72|s300|jQuery|imagecube'.split('|'),0,{}))
.cube { width: 200px; height: 200px;margin: 0 auto;}
a img { border: none; }
#linksCube img { width: 100%; height: 100%; }
<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.6.1/jquery.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
(function($) { // Hide scope, no $ conflict
/* Image cube manager. */
function ImageCube() {
this._defaults = {
direction: 'random', // Direction of rotation: random|up|down|left|right
randomSelection: ['up', 'down', 'left', 'right'], // If direction is random, select one of these
speed: 1000, // Time taken (milliseconds) to transition
easing: 'linear', // Name of the easing to use during transitions
repeat: true, // True to automatically trigger a new transition after a pause
pause: 1000, // Time (milliseconds) between transitions
selection: 'forward', // How to choose the next item to show:
// 'forward', 'backward', 'random'
shading: true, // True to add shading effects, false for no effects
opacity: 0.8, // Maximum opacity (0.0 - 1.0) for highlights and shadows
imagePath: '', // Any extra path to locate the highlight/shadow images
full3D: true, // True to add cubic perspective, false for 2D rotation
segments: 20, // The number of segments that make up each 3D face
reduction: 30, // The amount (pixels) of reduction for far edges of the cube
expansion: 10, // The amount (pixels) of expansion for the near edge of the cube
lineHeight: [0.0, 1.25], // Hidden and normal line height (em) for text
letterSpacing: [-0.4, 0.0], // Hidden and normal letter spacing (em) for text
beforeRotate: null, // Callback before rotating
afterRotate: null // Callback after rotating
var UP = 0;
var DOWN = 1;
var LEFT = 2;
var RIGHT = 3;
var PROP_NAME = 'imageCube';
$.extend(ImageCube.prototype, {
/* Class name added to elements to indicate already configured with image cube. */
markerClassName: 'hasImageCube',
/* Override the default settings for all image cube instances.
@param options (object) the new settings to use as defaults */
setDefaults: function(options) {
extendRemove(this._defaults, options || {});
/* Attach the image cube functionality to a div.
@param target (element) the containing division
@param options (object) the settings for this image cube instance (optional) */
_attachImageCube: function(target, options) {
target = $(target);
if (target.hasClass(this.markerClassName)) {
var allOptions = $.extend({_position: target.css('position')},
this._defaults, options || {});
$.data(target[0], PROP_NAME, allOptions);
target.addClass(this.markerClassName).css({position: 'relative'}).
children().each(function() {
var child = $(this);
$.data(this, PROP_NAME,
{width: child.css('width'), height: child.css('height'),
position: child.css('position'), lineHeight: child.css('lineHeight'),
letterSpacing: child.css('letterSpacing')});
child.css({width: target.css('width'), height: target.css('height'),
position: 'absolute', lineHeight: allOptions.lineHeight[1],
letterSpacing: allOptions.letterSpacing[1]});
/* Note current visible child and schedule a repeat rotation (if required).
@param target (element) the containing division */
_prepareRotation: function(target) {
target = $(target);
var options = $.data(target[0], PROP_NAME);
options.current = target.children(':visible')[0];
var randomSelection = function(collection) {
return (!collection.length ? collection : collection.filter(
':eq(' + Math.floor(Math.random() * collection.length) + ')'));
options.next = (options.selection == 'random' ?
randomSelection(target.children(':hidden')) :
(options.selection == 'backward' ? $(options.current).prev() :
options.next = (options.next.length ? options.next :
(options.selection == 'random' ? options.current :
(options.selection == 'backward' ? target.children(':last') :
target.children(':first'))))[0]; // Cycle around if at the end
if (options.repeat && !options._timer) {
options._timer = setTimeout(function() {
$.imagecube._rotateImageCube(target[0]); },
$.data(target[0], PROP_NAME, options);
/* Rotate the image cube to the next face.
@param target (element) the containing division
@param next (jQuery or element or string or number) next face to show (optional)
@param callback (function) a function to call when finished with the rotation (optional) */
_rotateImageCube: function(target, next, callback) {
if (typeof next == 'function') {
callback = next;
next = '';
target = $(target);
this._stopImageCube(target[0], true);
var options = $.data(target[0], PROP_NAME);
if (next != null) {
next = (typeof next == 'number' ? target.children(':eq(' + next + ')') : $(next));
if (target.children().filter(function() { return this === next[0]; }).length > 0) {
options.next = next;
var callbackArgs = [options.current, options.next];
if (options.beforeRotate) {
options.beforeRotate.apply(target[0], callbackArgs);
var animTo = {};
animTo[PROP_NAME] = 1.0;
target.attr(PROP_NAME, 0.0).animate(animTo, options.speed, options.easing,
function() {
if (options.afterRotate) {
options.afterRotate.apply(target[0], callbackArgs);
if (callback) {
/* Retrieve the currently visible child of an image cube div.
@param target (element) the containing division
@return (element) the currently displayed child of target division */
_currentImageCube: function(target) {
return ($(target).hasClass(this.markerClassName) ?
$.data(target, PROP_NAME).current : null);
/* Retrieve the next visible child of an image cube div.
@param target (element) the containing division
@return (element) the next to be displayed child of target division */
_nextImageCube: function(target) {
return ($(target).hasClass(this.markerClassName) ?
$.data(target, PROP_NAME).next : null);
/* Stop the image cube automatically rotating to the next face.
@param target (element) the containing division
@param timerOnly (boolean) true if only temporarily stopping (optional) */
_stopImageCube: function(target, timerOnly) {
var options = $.data(target, PROP_NAME);
if (options._timer) {
options._timer = null;
if (!timerOnly) {
options.repeat = false;
$.data(target, PROP_NAME, options);
/* Start the image cube automatically rotating to the next face.
@param target (element) the containing division */
_startImageCube: function(target) {
this._changeImageCube(target, {repeat: true});
/* Reconfigure the settings for an image cube div.
@param target (element) the containing division
@param options (object) the new settings for this image cube instance or
(string) the name of the setting
@param value (any, optional) the value of the setting */
_changeImageCube: function(target, options, value) {
if (typeof options == 'string') {
var opts = {};
opts[options] = value;
options = opts;
var curOptions = $.data(target, PROP_NAME);
extendRemove(curOptions || {}, options || {});
$.data(target, PROP_NAME, curOptions);
/* Remove the image cube functionality from a div.
@param target (element) the containing division */
_destroyImageCube: function(target) {
target = $(target);
if (!target.hasClass(this.markerClassName)) {
var options = $.data(target[0], PROP_NAME);
target.stop().css({position: options._position}).
target.children().each(function() {
$(this).css($.data(this, PROP_NAME)).show();
$.removeData(this, PROP_NAME);
$.removeData(target[0], PROP_NAME);
/* Prepare the image cube for animation.
@param target (element) the containing division */
_prepareAnimation: function(target) {
var options = $.data(target, PROP_NAME);
var target = $(target);
var offset = {left: 0, top: 0};
target.parents().each(function() { // Check if this area is fixed
var $this = $(this);
if ($this.css('position') == 'fixed') {
offset.left -= $this.offset().left;
offset.top -= $this.offset().top;
return false;
var dims = {width: target.width(), height: target.height()};
var direction = (options.direction != 'random' ? options.direction :
options.randomSelection[Math.floor(Math.random() * options.randomSelection.length)]);
direction = Math.max(0, $.inArray(direction, ['up', 'down', 'left', 'right']));
options._curDirection = direction;
var upDown = (direction == UP || direction == DOWN);
var leftRight = (direction == LEFT || direction == RIGHT);
var upLeft = (direction == UP || direction == LEFT);
var firstOpacity = (upLeft ? 0 : options.opacity);
var pFrom = $(options.current);
var pTo = $(options.next);
// Calculate borders and padding for both elements
var border = [];
var parseBorders = function(p) {
var b = [0, 0, 0, 0];
if (!$.browser.msie || p.css('border')) {
for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
b[i] = p.css('border' + ['Left', 'Right', 'Top', 'Bottom'][i] + 'Width');
var extra = ($.browser.msie ? 1 : 0);
b[i] = parseFloat(
{thin: 1 + extra, medium: 3 + extra, thick: 5 + extra}[b[i]] || b[i]);
return b;
border[0] = parseBorders(pFrom);
border[1] = parseBorders(pTo);
var pad = [];
pad[0] = [parseFloat(pFrom.css('padding-left')), parseFloat(pFrom.css('padding-right')),
parseFloat(pFrom.css('padding-top')), parseFloat(pFrom.css('padding-bottom'))];
pad[1] = [parseFloat(pTo.css('padding-left')), parseFloat(pTo.css('padding-right')),
parseFloat(pTo.css('padding-top')), parseFloat(pTo.css('padding-bottom'))];
var extras = [];
extras[0] = [($.boxModel ? border[0][0] + border[0][1] + pad[0][0] + pad[0][1] : 0),
($.boxModel ? border[0][2] + border[0][3] + pad[0][2] + pad[0][3] : 0)];
extras[1] = [($.boxModel ? border[1][0] + border[1][1] + pad[1][0] + pad[1][1] : 0),
($.boxModel ? border[1][2] + border[1][3] + pad[1][2] + pad[1][3] : 0)];
// Define the property ranges per element
var stepProps = [];
stepProps[0] = {elem: pFrom[0], // Currently displayed element
props: {left: {start: offset.left,
end: offset.left + (direction == RIGHT ? dims.width : 0), units: 'px'},
width: {start: dims.width - extras[0][0],
end: (upDown ? dims.width - extras[0][0] : 0), units: 'px'},
top: {start: offset.top,
end: offset.top + (direction == DOWN ? dims.height : 0), units: 'px'},
height: {start: dims.height - extras[0][1],
end: (upDown ? 0 : dims.height - extras[0][1]), units: 'px'},
paddingLeft: {start: pad[0][0], end: (leftRight ? 0 : pad[0][0]), units: 'px'},
paddingRight: {start: pad[0][1], end: (leftRight ? 0 : pad[0][1]), units: 'px'},
paddingTop: {start: pad[0][2], end: (upDown ? 0 : pad[0][2]), units: 'px'},
paddingBottom: {start: pad[0][3], end: (upDown ? 0 : pad[0][3]), units: 'px'},
borderLeftWidth: {start: border[0][0], end: (leftRight ? 0 : border[0][0]), units: 'px'},
borderRightWidth: {start: border[0][1], end: (leftRight ? 0 : border[0][1]), units: 'px'},
borderTopWidth: {start: border[0][2], end: (upDown ? 0 : border[0][2]), units: 'px'},
borderBottomWidth: {start: border[0][3], end: (upDown ? 0 : border[0][3]), units: 'px'},
lineHeight: {start: options.lineHeight[1],
end: (upDown ? options.lineHeight[0] : options.lineHeight[1]), units: 'em'},
letterSpacing: {start: options.letterSpacing[1],
end: (upDown ? options.letterSpacing[1] : options.letterSpacing[0]), units: 'em'}}};
stepProps[1] = {elem: pTo[0], // New element to be displayed
props: {left: {start: offset.left + (direction == LEFT ? dims.width : 0),
end: offset.left, units: 'px'},
width: {start: (upDown ? dims.width - extras[1][0] : 0),
end: dims.width - extras[1][0], units: 'px'},
top: {start: offset.top + (direction == UP ? dims.height : 0),
end: offset.top, units: 'px'},
height: {start: (upDown ? ($.browser.msie ? 1 : 0) : dims.height - extras[1][1]),
end : dims.height - extras[1][1], units: 'px'},
paddingLeft: {start: (leftRight ? 0 : pad[1][0]), end: pad[1][0], units: 'px'},
paddingRight: {start: (leftRight ? 0 : pad[1][1]), end: pad[1][1], units: 'px'},
paddingTop: {start: (upDown ? 0 : pad[1][2]), end: pad[1][2], units: 'px'},
paddingBottom: {start: (upDown ? 0 : pad[1][3]), end: pad[1][3], units: 'px'},
borderLeftWidth: {start: (leftRight ? 0 : border[1][0]), end: border[1][0], units: 'px'},
borderRightWidth: {start: (leftRight ? 0 : border[1][1]), end: border[1][1], units: 'px'},
borderTopWidth: {start: (upDown ? 0 : border[1][2]), end: border[1][2], units: 'px'},
borderBottomWidth: {start: (upDown ? 0 : border[1][3]), end: border[1][3], units: 'px'},
lineHeight: {start: (upDown ? options.lineHeight[0] : options.lineHeight[1]),
end: options.lineHeight[1], units: 'em'},
letterSpacing: {start: (upDown ? options.letterSpacing[1] : options.letterSpacing[0]),
end: options.letterSpacing[1], units: 'em'}}};
if (options.shading) {
// Initialise highlight and shadow objects (or colours on IE)
var setHighShad = function(props, startOpacity, endOpacity) {
return {left: {start: props.left.start, end: props.left.end, units: 'px'},
width: {start: props.width.start, end: props.width.end, units: 'px'},
top: {start: props.top.start, end: props.top.end, units: 'px'},
height: {start: props.height.start, end: props.height.end, units: 'px'},
paddingLeft: {start: props.paddingLeft.start + props.borderLeftWidth.start,
end: props.paddingLeft.end + props.borderLeftWidth.end, units: 'px'},
paddingRight: {start: props.paddingRight.start + props.borderRightWidth.start,
end: props.paddingRight.end + props.borderRightWidth.end, units: 'px'},
paddingTop: {start: props.paddingTop.start + props.borderTopWidth.start,
end: props.paddingTop.end + props.borderTopWidth.end, units: 'px'},
paddingBottom: {start: props.paddingBottom.start + props.borderBottomWidth.start,
end: props.paddingBottom.end + props.borderBottomWidth.end, units: 'px'},
opacity: {start: startOpacity, end: endOpacity, units: ''}};
stepProps[2] = {elem: // Highlight shading (up/left)
$(($.browser.msie ? '<img src="' + options.imagePath + 'imageCubeHigh.png"' :
'<div') + ' class="imageCubeShading" style="background-color: white; opacity: ' +
firstOpacity + '; z-index: 10; position: absolute;"' +
($.browser.msie ? '/>' : '></div>'))[0],
props: setHighShad(stepProps[upLeft ? 0 : 1].props,
firstOpacity, options.opacity - firstOpacity)};
stepProps[3] = {elem: // Shadow shading (down/right)
$(($.browser.msie ? '<img src="' + options.imagePath + 'imageCubeShad.png"' :
'<div') + ' class="imageCubeShading" style="background-color: black; opacity: ' +
(options.opacity - firstOpacity) + '; z-index: 10; position: absolute;"' +
($.browser.msie ? '/>' : '></div>'))[0],
props: setHighShad(stepProps[upLeft ? 1 : 0].props,
options.opacity - firstOpacity, firstOpacity)};
// Set up full 3D rotation
if (options.full3D) {
for (var i = 0; i < options.segments; i++) {
css({display: 'block', position: 'absolute', overflow: 'hidden'}));
if (options.shading) {
target.append($(stepProps[upLeft ? 2 : 3].elem).clone());
for (var i = 0; i < options.segments; i++) {
css({display: 'block', position: 'absolute', width: 0, overflow: 'hidden'}));
if (options.shading) {
target.append($(stepProps[upLeft ? 3 : 2].elem).clone());
pTo.css({width: dims.width - extras[1][0], height: dims.height - extras[1][1]});
else {
// Initialise from and to objects
var initCSS = function(props) {
return {left: props.left.start + 'px', width: props.width.start + 'px',
top: props.top.start + 'px', height: props.height.start + 'px',
lineHeight: props.lineHeight.start + 'em',
padding: props.paddingTop.start + 'px ' + props.paddingRight.start + 'px ' +
props.paddingBottom.start + 'px ' + props.paddingLeft.start + 'px',
borderLeftWidth: props.borderLeftWidth.start + 'px',
borderRightWidth: props.borderRightWidth.start + 'px',
borderTopWidth: props.borderTopWidth.start + 'px',
borderBottomWidth: props.borderBottomWidth.start + 'px',
letterSpacing: props.letterSpacing.start + 'em', overflow: 'hidden'};
if (options.shading) {
// Pre-compute differences
for (var i = 0; i < stepProps.length; i++) {
for (var name in stepProps[i].props) {
var prop = stepProps[i].props[name];
prop.diff = prop.end - prop.start;
return stepProps;
/* Draw one panel of the 3D perspective view of the cube.
@param target (element) the container
@param pos (number) the current position (0.0 - 1.0)
@param stepProps (object[]) details about the items being animated
@return (boolean) true if drawn in 3D, false if not */
_drawFull3D: function(target, pos, stepProps) {
var options = $.data(target, PROP_NAME);
if (!options.full3D) {
return false;
var target = $(target);
var direction = options._curDirection;
var upDown = (direction == UP || direction == DOWN);
var upLeft = (direction == UP || direction == LEFT);
var width = target.width();
var height = target.height();
if (width == 0 || height == 0) {
return true;
var current = (1 - pos) * (upDown ? height : width);
var segments = options.segments;
var maxExpand = options.expansion * (1 - Math.abs(2 * current - (upDown ? height : width)) /
(upDown ? height : width));
var maxReduce = options.reduction - (options.reduction * current / (upDown ? height : width));
var update = function(className, al, at, bl, bt, cl, ct, dl, dt, opacity, props, attr) {
var ws = [bl - al, cl - dl];
var w = Math.max(ws[0], ws[1]);
var hs = [dt - at, ct - bt];
var h = Math.max(hs[0], hs[1]);
var wStep = (upDown ? (ws[0] - ws[1]) / (segments - 1) / 2 : w / segments);
var hStep = (upDown ? h / segments : (hs[0] - hs[1]) / (segments - 1) / 2);
var pbw = props.paddingLeft[attr] + props.paddingRight[attr] +
props.borderLeftWidth[attr] + props.borderRightWidth[attr];
var pbh = props.paddingTop[attr] + props.paddingBottom[attr] +
props.borderTopWidth[attr] + props.borderBottomWidth[attr];
var ral = Math.round(al);
var rat = Math.round(at);
var thisLeft = ral;
var thisTop = rat;
var i = 0;
for (var j = 0; j < target[0].childNodes.length; j++) {
var child = target[0].childNodes[j];
if (child.className != className) {
var nextLeft = Math.round(al + (i + 1) * wStep);
var nextTop = Math.round(at + (i + 1) * hStep);
var wCur = ws[0] - (upDown ? 2 * i * wStep : 0);
var hCur = hs[0] - (upDown ? 0 : 2 * i * hStep);
child.style.left = (upDown ? thisLeft : al) + 'px';
child.style.top = (upDown ? at : thisTop) + 'px';
child.style.width = Math.max(0, wCur - pbw) + 'px';
child.style.height = Math.max(0, hCur - pbh) + 'px';
child.style.letterSpacing = (upDown ? wCur / w * (options.letterSpacing[1] -
options.letterSpacing[0]) + options.letterSpacing[0] :
pos * props.letterSpacing.diff + props.letterSpacing.start) +
child.style.lineHeight = (!upDown ? hCur / h * (options.lineHeight[1] -
options.lineHeight[0]) + options.lineHeight[0] :
pos * props.lineHeight.diff + props.lineHeight.start) +
child.style.clip = 'rect(' + (!upDown ? 'auto' : (thisTop - rat) + 'px') + ',' +
(upDown ? 'auto' : (nextLeft - ral) + 'px') + ',' +
(!upDown ? 'auto' : (nextTop - rat) + 'px') + ',' +
(upDown ? 'auto' : (thisLeft - ral) + 'px') + ')';
if (options.shading) {
var shading = child.nextSibling;
shading.style.left = thisLeft + 'px';
shading.style.top = thisTop + 'px';
shading.style.width = (upDown ? ws[0] - 2 * i * wStep : nextLeft - thisLeft) + 'px';
shading.style.height = (upDown ? nextTop - thisTop : hs[0] - 2 * i * hStep) + 'px';
shading.style.opacity = opacity;
if ($.browser.msie) {
shading.style.filter = 'alpha(opacity=' + (opacity * 100) + ')';
thisLeft = nextLeft;
thisTop = nextTop;
[maxReduce, -maxExpand, 0, width - current][direction], // top left
[0, height - current, maxReduce, -maxExpand][direction],
[width - maxReduce, width + maxExpand, current, width][direction], // top right
[0, height - current, -maxExpand, maxReduce][direction],
[width + maxExpand, width - maxReduce, current, width][direction], // bottom right
[current, height, height + maxExpand, height - maxReduce][direction],
[-maxExpand, maxReduce, 0, width - current][direction], // bottom left
[current, height, height - maxReduce, height + maxExpand][direction],
(!options.shading ? 0 : (upLeft ? pos : 1 - pos) *
stepProps[2].props.opacity.diff + stepProps[2].props.opacity.start),
stepProps[0].props, 'start');
[-maxExpand, options.reduction - maxReduce, current, 0][direction], // top left
[current, 0, -maxExpand, options.reduction - maxReduce][direction],
[width + maxExpand, width - (options.reduction - maxReduce), width, width - current][direction], // top right
[current, 0, options.reduction - maxReduce, -maxExpand][direction],
[width - (options.reduction - maxReduce), width + maxExpand, width, width - current][direction], // bottom right
[height, height - current, height - (options.reduction - maxReduce), height + maxExpand][direction],
[options.reduction - maxReduce, -maxExpand, current, 0][direction], // bottom left
[height, height - current, height + maxExpand, height - (options.reduction - maxReduce)][direction],
(!options.shading ? 0 : (upLeft ? pos : 1 - pos) *
stepProps[3].props.opacity.diff + stepProps[3].props.opacity.start),
stepProps[1].props, 'end');
return true;
/* jQuery extend now ignores nulls!
@param target (object) the object to extend
@param props (object) the attributes to modify
@return (object) the updated target */
function extendRemove(target, props) {
$.extend(target, props);
for (var name in props) {
if (props[name] == null) {
target[name] = null;
return target;
/* Attach the image cube functionality to a jQuery selection.
@param command (string) the command to run (optional, default 'attach')
@param options (object) the new settings to use for these image cube instances
@return (jQuery) for chaining further calls */
$.fn.imagecube = function(options) {
var otherArgs = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1);
if (options == 'current' || options == 'next') {
return $.imagecube['_' + options + 'ImageCube'].
apply($.imagecube, [this[0]].concat(otherArgs));
return this.each(function() {
if (typeof options == 'string') {
$.imagecube['_' + options + 'ImageCube'].
apply($.imagecube, [this].concat(otherArgs));
else {
$.imagecube._attachImageCube(this, options);
/* Enable synchronised animation for all of the image cube properties.
@param fx (object) the effects instance to animate */
$.fx.step[PROP_NAME] = function(fx) {
if (fx.state == 0 || !fx.stepProps) { // Initialisation
fx.start = 0.0;
fx.end = 1.0;
fx.stepProps = $.imagecube._prepareAnimation(fx.elem);
var elem = fx.stepProps[0].elem;
fx.saveCSS = {borderLeftWidth: elem.style.borderLeftWidth,
borderRightWidth: elem.style.borderRightWidth,
borderTopWidth: elem.style.borderTopWidth,
borderBottomWidth: elem.style.borderBottomWidth,
padding: elem.style.padding};
if (!$.imagecube._drawFull3D(fx.elem, fx.pos, fx.stepProps)) {
for (var i = 0; i < fx.stepProps.length; i++) { // Update all elements
var comp = fx.stepProps[i];
for (var name in comp.props) { // Update all properties
var prop = comp.props[name];
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